Corporate events with a Caricaturist- What does it add?

Group portrait of a whole corporate christmas party

Corporate events are a fine art. I’ve attended enough as a caricaturist to know, some things work well and some things are a flop. Biased as I undoubtedly am, I think that having a Caricaturist at these events is the perfect conversation-starter

London, and some of my other favourite places to be a Caricaturist!

London is the city I hail from and has a special place in my heart. Add to that the fact I have a lot of friends and family still there, it remains a favourite place of mine to get the train to a party that’sbooked Pen Jones the Caricaturist! With this week’s Blogpost I wanted […]

A Portrait artist in Birmingham

A caricature portrait for a 90th birthday with an Irish saying

Do you have an idea for a portrait that you’ve been aching to get drawn for a loved one for ages now?It’s a new year, I’m in a new house, but I am still Pen Jones and my pens are at the ready to draw your portrait this January!Even if your portrait idea seems crazy, […]

Caricature Artist Pen Jones is ‘The 9 hour sketcher’!

Caricature of three ladies at a wedding by pen jones caricaturist

Caricature Artist Pen Jones, is my superhero pseudonym. No, I do not save alsatians from burning buildings, but I have a
humble superpower, being able to caricature for quite a few hours in a row. This week’s blogpost is about my last gig in Chester, when I was asked to caricature for about 9 hours!
Read on to find out whether my wrists fell off or not…

Hen Party Caricaturist too, eh? – Springtime adventures of a Caricaturist

Group Caricature of a hen party by Pen Jones caricaturist

Hen parties are fun. I’ve drawn at tons of them in the past and I’ve ALWAYS had a good time. And I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not true, they are always unexpectedly wholesome and I invariably end up having great conversations about art! Read on to hear about my latest hen party foray…

Cartoon commissions by Pen Jones – A Closer Look

caricature prints by pen jones caricaturist of legends jeff bridges, david bowie and iggy pop

Cartoon Commissions have becoming a big part of my artistic practice of late, what with all the inexplicable indoorsiness that this last year has brought.
With that in mind I thought I’d explain a bit about how I do what I do when I’m not dolled up and at a Wedding; Cartoon Commissions.
I’m pretty lucky, not everyone has a workplace that a cute baby charmingly toddles into! Let’s delve…