Hi all, after a lengthy gap in between blogposts I’m back, to talk a little bit about my work in Visual recording.
Visual Recording goes by many names (Like Rudy Van De Sarzio from the Mighty Boosh), including Visual Minutes, Graphic Recording, Creative Documentation, Live Scribing, Visual Facilitation AND Visual Scribing. Phew!
While the multiplicity of names makes it harder to advertise, it does illustrate metaphorically that Visual Recording can be anything the client wants it to be. I adapt to the needs of what is is the client wants to communicate and create an original
Here below is a recent bit of Visual Recording I created for repeat clients, Birmingham-based The Active Wellbeing Society(https://theaws.co.uk/), with each quarter describing a subgroup within their organisation and what they do, and the cake in the middle covered with positive outcomes talked about during their AGM.

Most Visual Recording is drawn live during the meeting, so just as with regular minutes I can capture important pieces of information as they are spoken, but I will always speak with the client beforehand and ensure that any essential information that they need on the visual minutes is captured and the piece works for it’s intended purpose.
Below is a short piece of Visual Recording I created in 2 hours for Wallingford Town council in Oxfordshire, for a public forum meeting they wanted recorded wherein the public got to have their say on what they wanted for the future within different spheres of town life. The layout reflected the town itself and included notable buildings in the handsome market town of Wallingford. The idea is that documents like these can be used to create a more attractive record of how people feel and what they want, to use for all manner of documentation, on and offline.

I’ve shown you a 4 hour piece of visual minutes at the top and a 2 hour piece above, the following is a large piece of visual recording which probably took 7 hours altogether. With all-day meetings, if there are a whole host of moments that a client needs recorded, I will create 1X1.5 metre visual minute pieces, often taped carefully to the wall, for the whole day. Ideally these are finished within the day so that the attendees can appreciate how far they have come in the day(and as with my visual recording pieces, see if they can see their own likeness too!). With the below my goal was to also include portraits of all the meeting attendees, with their permission of course!

If your organisation is interested in having a visual minutes artist attend one of your meetings, just contact me here https://penjones.co.uk/contact/ or for more examples of my work look at the visual minutes part of my website here https://penjones.co.uk/services/visual-minutes/
Remember, for all your Visual Minutes, Graphic Recording, Creative Documentation, Live Scribing, Visual Facilitation or Visual Scribing needs, come to Pen Jones Cartoons, your Birmingham-based Visual Recorder!