
Live Scribing, Visual Minutes and Facilitating visually! (Phew)

Live Scribing, Visual Minutes and Visual Facilitation are just some of the multitudinous terms for what I like to term Visual Minutes.
Full visual minutes for a workshop with choreographer Lisa Simpson for charity Sense

Live Scribing, Visual Minutes and Visual Facilitation are just some of the multitudinous terms for what I like to term Visual Minutes. As well as working most weekends as a Caricaturist at events like weddings and parties, I attend conferences and work meetings to attempt to zhush up the company’s record of an important meeting.

Live Scribing for Wolverhampton Methodist Circuit
Visual minutes for Wolverhampton Methodist Circuit

Regular minutes although essential won’t grab the imagination like a meeting that has utilised live scribing and visual minutes will provide an exciting colourful reminder of the topics discussed at the meeting.

A unique touch with my visual minutes that differentiates my style from a lot of live scribing is the inclusion of cartoon portraits in the documentation. People love to see themselves in the mix and it provides a talking point whenever the document is being looked at in the future.

Looking at the choreographer's methods within the visual minutes or live scribing
Looking at the choreographer’s methods within the visual minutes

From important strategy meetings to annual general meetings to pivotal vision development meetings, all could benefit from live scribing. Above for example is part of a visual minutes I created for Studio Wayne McGregor – in collaboration with Charity Sense for the Choreographer Lisa Simpson I made sure to talk with Lisa and Rebecca my contact at Sense to ensure we were on the same page about what they wanted the live scribing to capture. I think I did I good job capturing the diversity of movement at different points in the workshop and the different sections of the meeting were visualised as a ‘Simpson Cube’, the system Lisa has devised for choreographing dancers while having Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy.

Full visual minutes or live scribing for a workshop with choreographer Lisa Simpson for charity Sense
Closeup of a dance sequence at a workshop for a workshop with choreographer Lisa Simpson for charity Sense

If you would like to know more about Live Scribing, visual minutes, graphic recording or whatever you like to term it(!), go to my website to see more live scribing images and contact me here