Happy Monday Caricature fiends! As a continuation of my ‘ICONS’ series, spanning musical icons from the past and present, I’ve done a false colour caricature portrait of Canadian rapper Drake, otherwise known as ‘Champagne Papi’, ‘6 God’ or ‘Drizzy’. Uniquely for someone so famous I know ABSOLUTELY NONE of his music, but to accompany my caricature I CAN talk about various comedy sketches and bits that have referred to him….
DRAKE VERSUS KANYE WEST- A journey into the wierdness of rap stars
This is from this brilliant part-animated Viceland series where musos talk about crazy thing that have happened to them, and Ninja from Die Antwoord recounts the oddness of hanging out with Drake and Kanye West.
The wierdness thing for me about this story is the lack of communication, Ninja has no idea why anything is happening and what is going to happen next! Drake comes across a little vanilla and self-obsessed in this,
even though it sounds like his Basketball skills are great.
Check it out, it’s hilarious, the art is great too-
DRAKE AS A GOOFY DAD- An SNL sketch where Drake plays up to his goofy side
I love SNL, and Aidy Bryant(who I also did a caricature of last autumn) as this weirdly pent-up kid at a slumber party was a brilliant recurring sketch. In this one Drake played the Dad, displaying some great Dad-dancing.
OLD TIMERS WHO CAN’T CHEW THEIR STEAK(Much less listen to Drake)
I RELATE to these old timers in this sketch. I like to think Key and Peele were having a conversation between eachother about how THEY knew nothing about the rapper and this sketch just fell out.
It’s actually a brilliant sketch for anyone who feels old because of all this new youth culture popping up that they know nothing about. This is basically my life since I was 15 but that’s another story!
Check this out- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuPVymle_6U
Talk to me next week, I may well know more Drake. Meantime I’ve got a lot of Neil Young, Minutemen and James Brown to deal with(yes, I am a boomer in Millenial clothing).
If you are a Drake stan, fan, know a Drake fan, or just want a colourful bit of wall cover, think about getting this colour print of as a gift.
My prints are high quality and come framed and delivered to anywhere in the UK.
I’m offering an A4 print for £20 or 21X21cm for £17.50. Just pop me a message here if interested—–> https://penjones.co.uk/contact/
What’s your favourite Drake tune?
Comment below, chat to me y’all!
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