
‘Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV!’

One from the recent archive of xmas gifts here, this one a portrait of my girlfriend's aunt and her brill family that live in Portugal.
a family caricature with the dad shouting inexplicable nonsense

One from the recent archive of xmas gifts here, this one a portrait of my girlfriend’s aunt and her brill family that live in Portugal.

Their commission request was that I draw a fun family portrait, but with reference to a family in-joke; their love of this funny youtube video taking the mickey out of Donald Trump(is their any better kind?)-

Like, share, and visit my website if you’re interested in a similar kooky family portrait cartoon from caricaturist for hire Pen Jones

#caricature #personwomanmancameratv #wtfbrahh #family #cartoon #fromphoto #portrait #art #gifts #handdrawn #illustration #delivery #birthday #familyportrait #cartoonist #caricaturist